It’s that time of year again: AidGrade is hiring for full- or part-time research assistants to work a minimum of 20 hours per week. AidGrade is a non-profit research institute that focuses on generating and synthesizing evidence in international development. The research assistant will work closely with Dr. Eva Vivalt, assistant professor at the Australian National University. The role will mostly focus on survey design and data analysis for several projects relating to forecasting the impacts of various interventions. It is hoped that the research assistant will sufficiently contribute to projects to warrant co-authorship on several papers. Experience with impact evaluations and some graduate study is desired. It is possible to work remotely, so all candidates are encouraged to apply.
Please apply by Oct. 26 by submitting a CV and cover letter describing your interest and why you expect this position to help you achieve your career goals to Please indicate whether you are interested in a full- or part-time position.
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