This venture would not have been possible without the efforts of many others.
Too many people have contributed to list them all, but we will spotlight some of our volunteers and supporters.
Kickstarter supporters
Research associates
Research coordinator
Research assistants
Graphic design
Media relations
Kickstarter supporters
Scott A.
Julia Briggs
Laura Cepeda
Ajaypal Cheema
Ryan Consell
Dean Croshere
Andrew Doyle
Michelle Dunlap
Dominic Elson
Leigh Ann Evanson
Jeromy French
Alex Ghareeb
James Gibson
Aaron and Sara Golas
Matthew Harward
Taam Had Ingham
John R. Jones
Nathan Lambert
David Lee
Eric Logan
Bertrand Lorentz
Laura Mason
Jon Mayfield
Leon Maurer
Howard Messing
Cameron Mulder
Gregory Nelson
Matthew Pattemore
Leander Quiring
David Reed
Jessie Richardson
Justin Rising
Chris Scoggins
Diana Skrzydlo
Zach Stednick
Yancey Strickler
Rodrigo Taborda
Andrew Talbot
Meg and Thomas Walker
Daniel Tilkin
Maile Urbancic
Jim Wahl
Brandon Walters
Wei Wang
Cindy Wu
Q. Yuen
Research associates
Tadeja Gracner
Jeff Qiu
Research coordinator
Catherine Razeto
Research assistants
Mike Brown
Timothy Catlett
Steven Chen
Molly Clark-Barol
Qian He
Matthew Kerrigan
Taha Jalil
Laura Mason
Philip Mulder
Wilbert Quintanilla
Alexander Sykes
Nadia Wallace
Bing Wang
Augustus Urschel
Graphic design
Grace Chow
Media relations
Eric Herboso